how to lose weight fn

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foods to avoid:

    candy, they provide the unnecessary calories and the sugar makes you full
    fried chicken, first of all you're not black and all the oils negate the protein
    potato chips, they have immense amounts of calories and this food is linked to obesity
    white bread, highly refined and contains too much sugar and they lack protein and grains

foods that will incinerate your belly fat:
    foods high in fiber will help you cut way faster, those include foods like fresh fruit and veggies
    beef, chicken, and eggs are all great sources of protein for cutting
    yogurt is rich in probiotics which is good for your body
important details to know when cutting
    always be tracking your calories, its important to know how much you are eating each day
    cardio and weightlifting are what you should be doing everyday to help you lose more weight faster
    your cut should last about 8 - 16 weeks
    your goal should to be to cut 5% - 10% of your body weight
click this for a free weight loss plan